A Pinch of Salt

This section features personal reflections, comments, insights, and any other content that adds a pinch of salt to the understanding of business.

“The Future of Marketing” | Takeaways

A few days ago I had the pleasure to attend “The Future of Marketing” panel organised at King’s College London. Some interesting points here below: The Janus-faced nature of technology Gen AI and XR present marketers with the opportunity to offer customers captivating experiences and more relatable representations of...

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Economic and cultural capital through art collaborations | Quote

The latest article on Sotheby’s Institute of Art focusses on luxury branding through art collaborations. I have contributed with a quote on the status cachet offered by collaborations: Luxury brand and art collaborations have increasingly promoted ‘cultural capital’ as a status badge for luxury consumers. In the past, the...

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FT The Business of Luxury | Takeaways

My takeaways of the 2024 “Business of Luxury” FT conference Multipolarity of the Asian market In the next few years Asia is going to account for 2/3 of the luxury industry growth. It is important, however, to acknowledge the multipolarity of the Asian market (Keyu Jin, Associate Professor of...

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Luxury Brand and Art collaborations | Interview

I had a very interesting time talking about my latest book with the marketing team of Sotheby’s Institute of Art. A favourite part of the interview was discussing about the research and the writing process that led up to the book: There was an interesting “back and forth” between...

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Art, luxury, and postmodern consumption| Book publication

Hot off the press! Thrilled to announce my latest book, “Luxury Brand and Art Collaborations: Postmodern Consumer Culture”, is now out from Routledge. Over the past two decades, collaborative initiatives between luxury brands and the art world have been increasing in number and relevance, becoming one of the most...

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Becoming LVMH | Masterclass

Last week I had the pleasure to unpack with Rebecca Robins ‘the phenomenon LVMH’ at the very first SIA Alumni Luxury In-Conversation Event. What really stood out to me was Rebecca’s analysis of LVMH as a living masterclass of culture management, both vertical and horizontal: – external culture, the...

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Art and Luxury | Interview

I had a very nice time with Dr. Ellen Andrea Seehusen, CEO and Founder of IAM Arts, one of the very first Arts Advisory Firms specialised in creating artistic projects for companies. We considered the synergies between the luxury industry and the art world, the approach I have taken...

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Luxury spending and the cost of living crisis | Comment

A delayed postcard from my winter holidays back home, where I have taken a good break from the daily grind – but not from reflecting about luxury. As a matter of fact, debates on luxury have been all around me: 1- during the numerous Christmas gatherings, I have been...

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Sustainability in the Luxury Industry | Interview

I had the nicest time discussing with Richard Federowski from consultancy Roland and Berger about the pressing issues and the opportunities of implementing sustainability and the ESG principles into the luxury business practice [link here] From spontaneous initiatives to formalised benchmarking; from sectorial specialisation to cross-industrial collaboration, luxury brands...

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Is fashion facing a grass-root revolution? | Panel

Fashion is definitely rooted in change. However, besides the change of styles and looks, can the business of fashion change itself to better address the challenges of today and lead the future? And how do technology and digital fashion play into it? Looking forward to joining again the amazing...

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